
How To Prepare For A Job Interview

In today’s competitive job market, you won’t get second chances. You should prepare yourself extensively for your job interview. You either pass and get the job or fail and don’t. Prepare yourself with these helpful tips so that you can have a better chance at landing the job.


First, you have to assume that the interviewer doesn’t have your resume memorized. So be prepared to answer the following:

  • Why should we hire you for our company?
  • What is the range of your skills?
  • What do you consider your strengths? What do you consider to be your weaknesses?
  • What happened with your last job?

Give some examples of times in your career you took control of a situation, how have you overcome problems, presented leadership skills, established and met your goals, have you failed at any projects, motivated your team members, or prevented obstacles that could have hindered your project.

Go over your resume and explain it in detail.

Have your own questions ready about the position and the company itself.

You want to be prepared with simple and quick answers. Keep eye contact and try to smile. You can practice in the mirror answering these questions and this will help with any nervousness. Try to use a confident and calm tone when you speak. Practice.

Be very descriptive about your previous work and what outcomes you were able to produce, use as much facts and data as possible. End with a positive statement about each experience. If you are asked any difficult questions, answer as best as you can, with an experience as close to the questions as possible.

You will need to be prepared to do a self-evaluation. You will need to describe what qualifications make you a good candidate for the job and why they should hire you. Expand on any talents you possess, your track record, your accomplishments, team cooperation, and contributions to previous businesses where you were employed. You do not want to be modest. Remember to say “I”, instead of “we”. Make eye contact, breathe and remember to relax. Smile.

This is not a test. Its not as easy as right or wrong questions. You want to tell the story of you. Explain how you can relate at work and what abilities you can contribute. You want to engage the interviewer as much as possible. This is your time to bond. Ask him questions about his career, or about pictures on his walls or desk, really try to connect.

Look up the company’s website before the interview. You want to know as much as possible about the company you are applying to and the position you are applying for. Look at their employee and career pages, you can gain a lot of information about the type of employee they are looking for and what the company is about. When you are in the interview, you can ask about the future of the company and where you positions stands in that future.

Some simple but looked over tips:

  • Make sure you know the directions to get to location, the exact address, and where you should park.
  • Leave early—you don’t want to be late!
  • Find out the dress code and dress accordingly.
  • Bring more than one copy of your resume and any work samples.
  • Contact your references prior to the interview.
  • Get contact information so that you can send a thank you letter. You will want to do this right after the interview.

Preparation is the key to a positive interview. Follow this list and you will be able to rise above the rest!
